About Me

I’m a registered dietitian and nutritionist, and I’m in recovery from an obsessive relationship with food and exercise.

As a teenager, I obsessed over my appearance. I picked myself apart every chance I could, and spent more time in front of the mirror than I care to admit. My life was dictated by thoughts of “what should I eat next?” and my workout schedule.

When I got honest about my relationship with alcohol a few years later, I knew in my gut that my relationship with food and my body was broken too. Nutrition science wasn’t cutting it–– I needed the honesty, compassion, accountability, and willingness to heal that you learn in recovery to help me heal.

I know how hard it is to be human, to have a body, and try to feed yourself every day. We all need to eat to survive, yet society teaches us that our bodies are a status symbol and that it’s more important to prioritize how we look.


What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me


Past Clients

  • Open Society Foundations

  • Naturopathica Spa and Healing Center

  • ClassPass

  • The Coalition for Behavioral Health

  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

  • Ladder

  • Exubrancy



Customized Programs

You know there’s a connection between nutrition and recovery, but you don’t know what you need to implement or how to talk about it.

Meet with me to discuss your dilemmas and create a custom staff training on any of these topics:

  • Mindful eating and nutrition basics for therapists

  • How food impacts mood, brain chemistry and cravings

  • How to approach clients who are struggling with eating

  • Menu planning, caffeine guidelines, and eating disorder protocols

  • Preparing clients to eat well after discharge with grocery shopping, meal planning, and cooking classes

  • Ongoing support, patient groups, and case consultation are also available.


My Signature Talks

  • Food for Thought: How Eating Well Changes Your Brain & Helps You Heal

  • Nourishing Change in Mental Health: Mindful Eating as a Recovery Tool

  • What We Don’t Talk About in Addiction Recovery: The Intersection of Sobriety and Nutrition