Sydney Greene MS, RDN
I’m a registered dietitian and nutritionist, and I’m in recovery from an obsessive relationship with food and exercise.
As a teenager, I obsessed over my appearance. I picked myself apart every chance I could, and spent more time in front of the mirror than I care to admit. My life was dictated by thoughts of “what should I eat next?” and my workout schedule.
When I got honest about my relationship with alcohol a few years later, I knew in my gut that my relationship with food and my body was broken too. Nutrition science wasn’t cutting it–– I needed the honesty, compassion, accountability, and willingness to heal that you learn in recovery to help me heal.
I know how hard it is to be human, to have a body, and try to feed yourself every day. We all need to eat to survive, yet society teaches us that our bodies are a status symbol and that it’s more important to prioritize how we look.
I want you to find joy in food and eating again. No more “shoulds”. No more “good” and “bad” foods. No more trusting an instagram influencer more than your own body’s innate wisdom. No more doubting your food choices.
It’s possible, friend. I did it, and I empower my clients to do the same. It’d be an honor to support you.
What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me What It’s Like to work with me

Truth is, I don’t have a specific food philosophy.
My approach to nutrition is realistic, down to earth, and different for each client.
My recommendations, guidance, and support are tailored to address your human experience. “Healthy” is far from cookie-cutter. There’s no formula.
We’ll also focus on how your relationship with food and your body can support your mental and emotional health. Optimal nourishment is paramount for recovery from substance use, anxiety, depression and disordered eating. We’ll work together to create a plan that you love and loves you.
I support individuals’ physical and mental health through customized, down to earth, nutrition coaching and counseling.
My food philosophy is, I do not have one. Healing and thriving is a unique experience and we all have our own way of getting there. I will meet you where you are at and hold your hand as you move toward where you want to be.
What does “recovery focused” mean: Recovery means freedom from the mental obsession of weight, food, “being good”, bingeing, restricting, over-exercising, and chronic dieting. I empower my clients to make the best food choices for themselves and to tune out all of the other noise out there telling them how they “should” eat or “should” look. Recovery from a broken relationship with food is a uniquely personal experience.
Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics - New York University
Master’s of Science in Clinical Nutrition - New York University
Dietetic Internship - Mt. Sinai Morningside
Mindfulness Based Eating and Awareness Training - Mindful Eating Training Institute
Eat This, Not That! Medical Expert board member
Certified LEAP Therapist
Former Nutrition Curriculum Curator, Urban Recovery Brooklyn NY