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The Foundation | $975

In this five-session package, we will partner together to help you transform your relationship to food and your body. Combining nutritional science, mindfulness techniques, and self compassion practices, you’ll learn how to make eating fun again with a curious, kind, and patient approach.

Who it’s for:

  • People who are stuck in analysis paralysis about food because they know too much 

  • People who feel anxious about going out to eat with friends or family

  • People who feel exhausted by self-critical thoughts about their body

  • People who want to enjoy eating again and stop obsessing about β€œright” and β€œwrong” foods

  • People looking to add nutrition to their addiction recovery plan

  • People with a history or current eating disorder diagnosis

What’s included: 

  • One virtual 75-minute intake and planning session

  • Four virtual 40-minute follow up sessions 

  • Email recap with goals, personalized plan and relevant resources following each session


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A la Carte Offerings


New Clients 75-minute initial Session | $400

40-minute follow up session| $180

Weekly Food Coaching (Mon-Fri) | $85/week

MRT Food Sensitivity Testing | $400

Functional GI Testing - GI MAP | $375-475 depending on test

Who it’s for:

  • Some clients may not need long-term nutrition coaching/counseling but would benefit from a handful of sessions. A la carte offerings are available as a more budget-friendly option.

What’s included: 

  • New clients will need to complete an initial session

  • Weekly food coaching includes twice/daily check-ins Monday through Friday for optional support *only available for past or current clients

More about MRT Test and LEAP Protocol

More about GI Map Test


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Group Support


Body Image - WTF even is it?! | $130/session| 

This is not your generic β€œheal your body image group”. This is a no-nonsense group for women run by two seasoned, licensed- professionals. We want to help you learn what body image is and how to approach it. If you want to feel better about your body but don’t know how to do that without dieting, this group is for you.

Who it’s for:

  • Women who are confused about what body image is and how to β€œimprove it”

  • Women who want to feel better about their body but don't know how to do it without a diet

  • Women who spend more than half a day thinking about food and their body

  • Women who have had body image issues arise in therapy and are looking for additional tailored support in this area of their lives

  • Women who are waiting to buy the new jeans, date the new person, go on the dream vacation until they lose the last 10 pounds

  • Women who have tried every fad diet and are consistently disappointed 

What’s included: 

  • 6 virtual 75 minute sessions held over zoom led by Sydney and therapist, Rachelle Heinemann

  • HIPPA compliant communication platform for submitting questions between sessions, sharing resources, reinforcing a sense of community and connection, and offering support to one another



Meal + Cooking Support


Meal Support | price available upon request| 

Meal support sessions are designed to help you feel safe and grounded so you can give your body the nourishment it needs. For people in early eating disorder recovery, mealtime can feel daunting, overwhelming, and stressful but you do not have to do it alone.

Who it’s for:

  • People in early recovery from an eating disorder

  • People who want to learn how to cook in a safe, encouraging environment

  • People who have a hard time finishing their meals or sitting down to eat a meal

  • People who need extra hand-holding when it comes to making a meal for themselves

  • People who need accountability sticking to a meal plan

What’s included:

  • Different package options are available depending on your needs


I work with individuals 16 years and older.


No, I don’t accept insurance. However, I can give you a receipt to submit to insurance for reimbursement. Reimbursement will depend on your individual policy.


Food sensitivity testing should be done in unique situations. Set up a free 15-minute consultation to find out if the Personalized Nutrition program is right for you.


I offer 5-session follow up packages once clients finish their first package. You can also choose to pay as you go for $180 per session.


The amount of time I work with a client varies depending on budget, needs, schedule and goals. Typically I see clients on a weekly or biweekly basis at first. The average client spends 6 months working with me.